We Don't Need No Stinkin' Paintbrushes
One of the things that I have often thought was that the wargaming industry was ripe for some company to create a line of prepainted miniatures. Prepainted plastics have so far been the realm of clicky games and the quality is, at times, questionable. Yet, I think games like Wizards of the Coast's Star Wars got many people (myself included) to buy clicky miniatures to be used with other tabletop rules. Well, based on this annoucement Mongoose Publishing is going to try and harvest this fruit.
According to Mongoose they will be releasing and Ultra-modern game in which the figures and vehicles will come prepainted. Mongoose will also be modifying their Starship Troopers game to use different mechanics and they will be selling prepainted miniatures for this game as well. To top it all off Mongoose says the price will be the same as people currently pay for unpainted miniatures. This is news indeed and we will need to wait until next year to see if the reality lives up to the hype.
I would be interested to know and encourage you to leave comments regarding what types of miniatures you would buy pre-painted. For me, I would love to see a line of prepainted 25mm Napoleonics (especially line troops) followed by 25mm WWII, 15mm WWII, and 25mm Ancients/Medieval.