
Musings of one man whose hobby happens to be miniature wargames

Monday, January 29, 2007

So many miniatures, so little time

The thing about starting a little secret project, while waiting for my Dark Age figures to arrive, was that I ran the risk of having a partially finished secret project on the table when the Dark Age figures arrived. I finished unit three (picture forthcoming) of five for the secret project and also have a good start on unit four; however, my Dark Age figures have finally arrived and I feel the need to get started on them.

As was mentioned in All About Miniatures Episode 6, I also recently purchased Hour of Glory from Warm Acre. I had wanted to order the game before the holidays when they ran their free shipping special; but, the budget did not cooperate. I told myself that I would order the game after the holidays if they ran the special again. This time the special was 50% off the game which made it a wash with shipping. The game doesn’t have a lot of figures (23 in total) but I am going to need to paint these as well.

Another thing to come out of AAM Episode 6 was the absolute blast (for me anyway) it was playing DBA. This reminded me that Little Wars is coming up in April and I would really like to go to the tournament this year with a new army. In the two and one-half months until the convention I should be able to finish a DBA army so I’ve ordered a 15mm New Kingdom Egyptian Army. I will chronicle my painting in future topics and give a report on how the army faired in the tournament.

So, I have to finish the secret project, paint Dark Age figures, get going on the Hour of Glory figures AND finish a DBA army by April 13th. Finishing the secret project (so it is off radar) and then Dark Age figures up until the DBA army arrives will be the priority. Sorry Hour of Glory.


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