
Musings of one man whose hobby happens to be miniature wargames

Friday, December 15, 2006

Thinking About the New Year

It is time to start thinking about New Year resolutions. I am very close to declaring 2007 a pre-painted year. By this, I mean that I will either buy pre-painted miniatures OR include painting service charges in my purchases and force myself to send the miniatures off to be painted.

My first attempt on living this way was my purchase of a Magister Militium Warmaster Ancients army. The company sells conveniently packaged 1,000 point armies and the cost is around $100. Rather than have the army shipped to me, I had the package shipped to Fernando Enterprises in Sri Lanka. I’ve received word that the package arrived and that work has started. The total cost for the army will be $350. All I have to do now is wait for it to arrive! Since I will have the same gaming budget, I think this will result in me buying less figures in raw numbers; but, the figures I do buy will at least see the table and not spend months or years in a closet.

In all likelihood, I will be getting a bit of Christmas money to spend. I’ve already planned a 2,000 point Warhammer English Civil War army using Old Glory figures that will be sent to be painted in two 1,000 point batches.

The holidays are slowing down painting production but work continues, albeit slowly, on my APAC models. I wasn’t a fan of the white/red paint scheme and so I’ve decided to go with a Japanese School Uniform scheme of dark blue pants, white shirt, red tie, and white shoes. I blame The Miniatures Page for this inspiration.


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