Painting in Fits and Starts
One thing about spending 3 weeks or so in the UK and Ireland is that the lingo sticks with you. It took several months to stop looking for the "lifts"; and the next time someone wants a napkin and asks for a "nappy" I will likely chuckle. A good British English phrase to describe my painting of late is "fits and starts." If you’ve been reading the blog since the beginning, you will notice that the late summer months had almost no painting and then the past few weeks saw painting production at an almost manic pace.
Well, for the past two weeks or so, I’ve had zero interest in painting. Some of this must be a bit of burnout. In addition, the recent change to daylight savings time has just left me too exhausted to paint in the evening. It doesn’t help that Fall In is coming up this week and my gaming interest is largely on hold pending all the purchases at Fall In. Fall In leaves me with a bit of a predicament, however, in that I have the 5 T-34’s from my Flames of War Russian Army on the painting table and would very much like to get them finished before leaving for Fall In.
The treatment Flames of War players, I being one of them, received with the abysmal product that is Festung Europa has also sapped some of my will to finish the army. My goal is to force myself (with whip in hand) to finish these tanks before Fall In. Once I return from Fall In, I’m sure the convention will have revitalized my interest in painting and I will have a lot of new toys to paint.
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