As I said previously, I wanted a new DBA army for the tournament at Little Wars. I have from now until mid April to finish the army. It doesn't sound hard; but, you'd have to know my track record with projects. I thought my first post on the project would be a little about why I selected a New Kingdom Egyptian army. In typical tournament style it has more to do with the tournament than history. I my opinion, a good tournament DBA army is one with a low agression factor and a variety of troop types that do not suffer too many quick kill results. This means that armies like Crusaders are best avoided because they have knights (quick killed by bows and light horse) and are high aggression.
I was originally going to take Hundred Years War French but didn't have the right figures and I didn't think I would have time to paint heraldry on the Knights and I wanted to avoid knights anyway. Interestingly, New Kingdom Egyptians have Blades and Bows (just like medieval French) but the Chariots count as Cavalry which, while not as powerful as Knights, also do not have the quick kill outcomes. New Kingdom Egyptians also wear white linen for the most part meaning they would be easy to paint.
I decided to order a 15mm New Kingdom Egyptian army using Chariot Miniatures from
Magister Militum. This company has excellent servce and my order arrived (UK to the USA) in a week! I have decided to start painting the infantry and, as the picture below shows, have 32 ready to paint. The figures have my usual treatment of being mounted on sticks and were primed using
Krylon All Purpose Primer. Admittedly, 32 is more than I would normally paint at one time; but, the simple paint scheme should enable me to paint them at a good pace.