
Musings of one man whose hobby happens to be miniature wargames

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Thrill of Shopping and the Agony of Defeat

With my 1500 point army list and credit card in hand I went off to my friendly local gaming store (FLGS). This store carries a big selection of Flames of War and is usually well stocked. They also carry a nice selection of supporting items: JR and Musket Miniatures buildings, Miniature Building Authority, Vallejo paint, etc. So I start looking through the racks for my Heavy Mortar Company and…they had none! This was quite a disappointment to say they least.

Then, I was going to purchase one more T-34 tank to be my Battalion HQ. I wanted the Stalingrad turret variant since it would look different than the 5 tanks that come in the box. After looking through all the racks (again) all I found were the T-34’s I already had or the ChTz and up armored variants. Foiled again! Then I started thinking that the Mariya Oktyabrskaya "special character" tank would make a nice Battalion HQ. When I was playing GW games, I would often use special character models as non-special commanders. I figured, why not do the same here? In the end I left the store with Mariya and some Soviet Stowage. Can you ever have too much stowage?

Disappointed, I decided to drive further and go my next closest FLGS. This store doesn’t have the selection of the first; but, I really wanted the Heavy Mortars. Sadly, this store also did not have the Heavy Mortars. At this point, I didn’t want to leave empty handed so I bought the Afrika handbook. I think my final purchase for the army (the 8 light tanks and mortars) will be via mail order because of the discount and the selection.

Once I got home I started assembling the Mariya tank and I noticed that one of the dismounted crew members comes with a map. YES! I can do another vignette, this time the tank crew will be resting and figuring out why they are lost. I plan on painting the tank when the replacement track for the SU arrives. I will post pictures when it is finished.


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