
Musings of one man whose hobby happens to be miniature wargames

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Lenin Park Flames of War Objective

I thought the best way to see my Lenin objective marker for Flames of War would be before I painted it so I could better identify the parts. As you can see from the picture,

the park is built on a large Flames of War base. The Lenin statue I mentioned previously was from Historifigs and he is sitting on top of a ¾” block from the craft store. The casualty was one of the casualty/pin markers from the Strelkovy box. I think the dead Russian helps reinforce the nationality of the objective. The crater is built from a Games Workshop slotta base that was glued on upside down and then putty and sand were used to build the crater sides. Finally, the fence is N-scale wrought iron fencing from Model Power. In my recent trip to Russia I remember a lot of wrought iron fencing, especially in the middle of the boulevards, so it seems appropriate. I will post a picture again when it is finished.


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